Week 8 | Ministers of a New Covenant
Aaron Gray | June 14, 2015
Discussion Questions:
- Look at 2 Cor. 3:5. What does it mean that we have no sufficiency in ourselves but that our sufficiency is from Christ?
- How is the new covenant different from the old? How is it the same?
- How does the biblical idea of covenant conflict with our culture’s high value on individualism and autonomy?
- Where in your life have you experienced hurt due to broken covenant? Where have you broken covenant? How can you experience God’s grace in either situation?
- How is the gospel the ultimate expression of God’s covenantal love?
- How can we as Christians display God’s covenantal love even to those who do not return the commitment?
For Further Study:
“The Promise Keeper – God of the Covenants” A series of 14 lectures from Dr. R.C. Sproul.