Week 1 | We Have a Mission
Aaron Gray | April 26, 2015
Discussion Questions
- Do you think that humans were “hard-wired” for mission, purpose, and meaning? Why or why not?
- What is God’s mission? How does it relate to our mission?
- What does it mean to give glory to someone/something? Why is it so important to remain focused on God’s glory?
- Read Hebrews 1:3. What does it mean that Jesus is “the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature?”
- Of the five “building blocks” outlined, which ones are areas of strength in your life? Which ones are areas where growth is needed?
- Jesus accomplished his mission perfectly. How does that empower us for our mission?
- Where might you be prone to “mission drift?” What other things – even good things – have the potential to distract you from God’s mission?