Gospel of John | Come and See

In John’s gospel, anytime someone is intrigued by who Jesus is, Jesus extends the same invitation. “Come and you will see.” As we preach through John, each week, we want to say the same thing. Come and see who this Jesus is. In John’s gospel, he focuses primarily on the words and works of Jesus to fill in a full picture of his identity in hopes that we will arrive at the conclusion that Jesus is in fact Israel’s Messiah who offers abundant life now to all who believe in his name. 

Most recent sermon

The Woman Caught in Adultery | John 7:53-8:-11
Reece Woodruff | January 26, 2025

Discussion Questions

  • How do you process failures in your own life?

  • How have you seen your own sin drive into shame and isolation?

  • What are the lies you tell yourself when you’ve made a mistake?

  • How have you seen the grace of Jesus rewrite your story?

  • What’s the difference between condemnation and conviction?

  • What does it look like practically to break the cycle of condemnation in your life and instead choose the path of freedom?

Prayer Points

  • Thank God for freeing us from the condemnation we all deserve.

  • Ask God to teach you what it means to run to him in the wake of our mistakes rather than shame and guilt.

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