Ephesians | All Things United

Ephesians was written by the apostle Paul, likely during his Roman imprisonment towards the end of his life (61-62 A.D.) to the largely Gentile church at Ephesus. Acts 19 presents the story of how the church at Ephesus was first established by Paul and is helpful background for understanding the context of the epistle. Ephesians is one of the most concise and precise presentations of the gospel in the entire Bible. The main argument of Ephesians can be summarized as follows.

“The church is at the epicenter of God's work to reunify the fragmented pieces of the cosmos in Christ.”

Most recent sermon

Put Off, Put On | Ephesians 4:17-32
Reece Woodruff | July 14, 2024

Discussion Questions

  • Why do you think it’s so challenging to change ourselves?

  • Do you think following your heart is a good way to navigate life? Why or why not?

  • The sermon talked about the importance of both putting off old behaviors and putting on new behaviors in our efforts to change. When you set out to change something in your life, do you focus on both or do you tend to focus on only one? Explain

  • What does it look like practically for you to be renewed in the spirit of your mind?

  • What habits or rhythms do you have in your life that grow your affections for Jesus?

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God would help you identify the areas in your life you need to change

  • Ask God to captivate your imagination with the person of Christ more and more each day

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