Foster Ministry
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
Foster Care Ministry at Sound City exists to serve foster children and the families who are impacted by foster care or adoption at Sound City and in our community.
As a church, we desire to live out James 1:27 when we are called to look after the orphans in their distress. For more information about our foster ministry, to get involved, or to get in touch with the foster ministry team leaders you can fill out the form below.
Care Communities
“Our Care team has been absolutely amazing. The love and support they have given us has been such an encouragement to our entire family. This group came along at such an ideal time for us, and we are so humbled, blessed, and grateful to be on the receiving end of such generosity.” - foster family
Care communities are a vital part of the ministry. These groups consist of 5-7 volunteers that each serve one foster family in our community by providing wrap-around care such as cooking meals, babysitting, and other practical needs that help foster families serve foster youth in a long-term and sustainable way.
Statistics show that foster parents will keep placements longer, and stay licensed and engaged longer when they are supported by wrap-around care in this way.
Department of Children, Youth, and Families | Lynnwood
DCYF is the lead agency for state-funded services that support children and families to build resilience and health, and to improve educational outcomes. They accomplish this by partnering with state and local agencies, tribes and other organizations in communities across the state of Washington. Their focus is to support children and families at their most vulnerable points, giving them the tools they need to succeed.
To truly give all children the great start in school and life they deserve, DCYF was created to be a comprehensive agency exclusively dedicated to the social, emotional and physical well-being of children, youth and families—an agency that prioritizes early learning, prevention and early intervention at critical points along the age continuum from birth through adolescence.
Support Group Care
Foster parent support groups help foster parents who are feeling alone or struggling to care for children with trauma. In support groups foster parents can learn how to better help their children in building healthy and trusting relationships. These support groups can be an invaluable lifeline for foster parents. That’s why we also provide volunteer support for a local support group. Our volunteers provide monthly childcare for one of these groups, to help make attendance possible for foster families.
Local Organizations
We often participate with the following organizations. Click on the images below to learn more about Olive Crest or Foster Support Faith Alliance.