Our mission, values, and marks shape and direct us as a local church.
Our Mission
Our mission is to raise up wholehearted followers of Jesus.
Our mission statement is our core purpose, the main objective that designs all our activities as a church body. It is also an echo of the Great Commission, with particular resonance to our local body.
Our Values
A values list seeks to answer questions about ministry motivations. Of all the thingsthat can drive a church, what things are truly most important to our particular local church? Why do we do what we do?
Grounded In Scripture
When it comes to how we think about God, the world, and ourselves, we place the bible in the highest place of influence and authority—this is our foundation. The good news of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection is found throughout the pages of scripture, and this good news gives shape and meaning to everything we do.
Enjoying God
God is not an idea to be grasped, but a person to enjoy. There is a deep desire in every person to passionately delight in something glorious because we were made to enjoy God. Experiencing God in this way is not contingent on our circumstances. We seek to experience God’s presence and glory through all aspects of our life, in all seasons both good and bad, and in all that we do as we agree with the Psalmist, “in your presence there is fullness of joy.”
Growing together
Following Jesus is not meant to be done alone. In Christ, we are brought into something bigger than ourselves. We are connected to a body of believers in order to encourage and exhort one another, to serve and receive, and to grow in Christlikeness and resilience as we pursue unity in Christ. We use the varied gifts God has given each of us to build up the church.
On Everyday Mission
Every follower of Jesus is a missionary. Therefore, we bring the good news of the gospel with us into every avenue of life, even the ordinary or mundane. Wherever we find ourselves, we want to be prepared for evangelism, generosity, acts of service, and faithful presence in the lives of those we encounter and the organizations we support.
Marks of a Wholehearted Follower of Jesus
Marks are the attributes of an individual’s life that reflect the achievement of our mission. They are the portrait of what we mean by a “wholehearted follower of Jesus”. They are not meant to serve as a rubric for separating out the “mature” from the “in process” as we are all on a journey towards Christlikeness. However, we believe that as we aim towards cultivating these marks through our strategy and the Spirit’s empowerment, we will find ourselves experiencing more and more of the full life of the Kingdom.
“I choose to trust my heavenly Father in all things, especially when he asks me to believe something I don’t understand, receive grace I don’t deserve, or follow him down a path I may not have chosen for myself.”
“I have ordered my life around a set of practices intended to cultivate my intimacy with Jesus and transform me more into his image.”
“I am consistently cultivating Christ-centered friendships and I regularly make sacrifices to live out the ‘one anothers’ of scripture with my community.”
“As I pursue Jesus, I invite other followers along with me, beginning with those in my household and expanding out to those God has placed in my spheres of influence.”
“I understand the unique resources God has entrusted to me (gifts, experiences, passions, finances, time) and I pursue opportunities to use them inside and outside of the church to advance God’s kingdom.”
“I am genuinely interested in those who are far from God and consistently pursue friendships with them in hopes of sharing how the gospel can meet their deepest needs.”