Week 3 | We Value Relationship With Christians
Travis Tuttle | May 10, 2015

Discussion Questions

  1. How is God challenging you to grow in prioritizing relationship with him and with others?
  2. How can you be more intentional about letting yourself be known and loved/challenged with the gospel?
  3. How can you be more intentional about seeking others to know them, love them, and challenge them with the gospel?
  4. How can you be more intentional about getting equipped for the work of the ministry?
  5. How is God challenging you to become a better steward of the ministry he has purposed you for?

For Further Study & Reading

  1. Listen to “How the Supremacy of Christ Creates Radical Christian Sacrifice” by John Piper. Together for the Gospel Conference, Louisville, KY. April 17, 2008.
  2. Read “Redemption: Freed by Jesus from the Idols We Worship and the Wounds We Carry” by Mike Wilkerson.