Week 3 | We Value Relationship With Christians
Travis Tuttle | May 10, 2015
Discussion Questions
- How is God challenging you to grow in prioritizing relationship with him and with others?
- How can you be more intentional about letting yourself be known and loved/challenged with the gospel?
- How can you be more intentional about seeking others to know them, love them, and challenge them with the gospel?
- How can you be more intentional about getting equipped for the work of the ministry?
- How is God challenging you to become a better steward of the ministry he has purposed you for?
For Further Study & Reading
- Listen to “How the Supremacy of Christ Creates Radical Christian Sacrifice” by John Piper. Together for the Gospel Conference, Louisville, KY. April 17, 2008.
- Read “Redemption: Freed by Jesus from the Idols We Worship and the Wounds We Carry” by Mike Wilkerson.