Week 6 | We Believe in Sin and Salvation
Aaron Gray | May 31, 2015
Discussion Questions
- Why is the doctrine of creation so important? Why is it important to distinguish between essential & non-essential aspects of this doctrine?
- Why is the doctrine of humanity important? How might if affect the way we treat others?
- Why is the doctrine of Satan & demons important? How should it affect the way we live our lives?
- What does it mean that we are sinful by both nature and choice?
- Talk about the term “total depravity,” what it means and what it does not mean.
- Which aspect of the doctrine of salvation (predestination, adoption, etc.) stood out to you most? Identify one key area for further study and exploration this week.
- How would you know if any of these doctrines are leading you to pride instead of worship? How can others help you guard your heart against pride?
For Further Study
- Distinguishing Between Essentials and Non-Essentials by C. Michael Patton
- Bible Doctrine by Wayne Grudem. For a more extensive treatment, look at his book Systematic Theology.
- So Great Salvation by Charles Ryrie
- Knowing God by J.I. Packer
- Three Views on Creation and Evolution by Zondervan “Counterpoints” Series