Let Us Draw Near | Hebrews 4:14-16
Aaron Gray | December 6, 2015

Discussion Questions

  1. Do you tend to see Jesus more as “God, powerful, and lofty” or as “human, humble, and lowly?” Why?
  2. Where are you weak? Where do you need mercy & grace? What is your “time of need?” Be vulnerable and share these struggles with your Christian brothers & sisters.
  3. When you think of Jesus being perfect, do you struggle to see him as sympathetic? Why or why not?
  4. What most often keeps you from drawing near to God: distraction, pride, fear or shame?
  5. Practically speaking, how can we approach “the throne of grace” and draw near to God? How can we do so with both confidence and humility?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that Jesus would help us to come to him in weakness so that we might receive his grace and mercy each day.
  2. Pray for those who are not yet Christians, that they would take Jesus up on his offer to approach his throne of grace.