In the past, we have mailed out giving statements to all who have contributed. But this year, in order to save on printing and mailing costs, we encourage you to download your giving statement. You can follow these steps to print or download your statement.
An Opportunity to be a Good Neighbor
I absolutely love how after a fresh dusting of snow everything turns white. One of my favorite things about being in the snow is when you step outside and listen, everything is so peaceful and quiet. But, in the midst of the peace I also have thoughts in the back of my head like, “there are people living out in these freezing temps” or “I hope my elderly neighbors are doing okay”.
Celebrating | The Eve of the Eve
Celebrating | Giving Trees
Each year we’ve set out the giving trees, we’ve been blown away by God’s grace shown through the generosity of the people at Sound City. This year is no different! We were able to raise over $7000 dollars in gift cards for DCYF and Vision House. Sound City, thank you for your generosity and living out our call to care for those in need.
Celebrating | Child Dedications
Celebrating | Sound City Bible Church Volunteers
Sound City & Martha Lake Merger | Questions & Responses
On Sunday, December 1, 2019, we announced that the elders of Sound City Bible Church and Martha Lake Baptist Church have begun official conversations regarding merging together. We truly see this as something God would do to enable us to make a greater impact for God’s Kingdom in the North Puget Sound region. This blog post seeks to answer some questions you may have. Our hope is that the people of Sound City can be well-informed so that they can pray and participate along the way.