Celebrating | Sound City Bible Church Volunteers

Each winter as another year comes to an end, and another begins, we pause to give thanks to God for the volunteers of Sound City. As a setup-teardown church, each Sunday service is made possible by their hard work. Gathered or scattered, the church isn’t a set of programs or events, it is a people.

One of the ways that we give thanks is by throwing an annual Volunteer Christmas Party. On December 13th, we provided an Italian feast, remembered God’s goodness in 2019, exchanged gifts, and prayed together. It was a joyful time of celebration, and wonderful to slow down during such a busy season.

A few people commented on the white elephant gift exchange. It was funny just how contented the volunteers were. When given the chance in the final round to trade gifts, almost everyone expressed satisfaction with what they had received. Whether it was a Bob Ross calendar or a toddler singing art station, the volunteers were a grateful bunch.

The gift of a newborn in a manger certainly looks simple and small, too. Jesus laid down beauty and majesty, lowering himself, that we might be raised up in him through his death and resurrection. This Christmas, let’s press into contentment with grateful hearts, inviting others to the freedom and peace of Jesus Christ.