How To Worship at Home With Your Family

How To Worship at Home With Your Family

“Family worship at home” sometimes get a bad rap because people use it as an excuse to…well, not worship at home with their family. But when done right, it can be a profound time of connection with God and with those closest in your life. Here are some ideas on how to worship at home with your family!

Celebrating | Student Winter Retreat

Celebrating | Student Winter Retreat

Sound City recently held our second annual Student Winter Retreat focused on the theme of Unity. The students had a blast riding snowmobiles, sledding, and having snowball fights at the Double K Christian Retreat in Easton, Washington. Thank you for supporting our students, and let’s keep praying that God would work powerfully through and in them.

Celebrating | Armenia Mission Support

Celebrating | Armenia Mission Support

This past fall Sound City Bible Church donated money to the Armenia Mission, one of the international mission organizations we support as a church. The money was used to fund a pastors conference in Armenia. Sam and Shoushan Saliban, covenant members of Sound City, oversee this multi church ministry in Armenia, that is focused on making disciples, planting churches, caring for widows and orphans, and so much more.

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