Weather Update

Sound City,

As a church, we place a high value on gathering regularly for singing, preaching, the Lord’s Table, and fellowship. We have been pretty blessed that in four years, we have never had to cancel a worship gathering, even through bad weather and power outages—that was an interesting Sunday!

All reports seem to indicate that a pretty serious snow storm is headed our way this weekend. Our elders and staff have been tirelessly working behind-the-scenes to make sure that we were ready to host services (or at least one) this Sunday. However, earlier today, we received a notification from the Edmonds School District that they have made a preemptive decision to shut down all their facilities this weekend. This means that no district employees will be available to open up the building and assist us, as they so graciously do each Sunday.

Unfortunately, this means that we have no choice but to cancel our worship gatherings for this Sunday, February 10th.

To be honest, this makes me very sad. There is almost nothing that I look forward to more than gathering together as a church family to worship our King Jesus. But, this is the reality that we are faced with, and the district’s mind is made up.

So, here are a few options for you to consider. First, I would encourage you to worship Jesus at home with your family on Sunday morning. I just finished up a blog post with some suggestions on what that might look like. Second, you could join with another local church for worship on Sunday. If the roads aren’t too treacherous and a church in your neighborhood isn’t also closed down, then go live out our value of being kingdom-minded.

Third—and this is not 100% certain—there is a possibility that a group of us will gather at the church offices at 11am for a time of singing, prayer, Scripture reading, and fellowship. This will be contingent on the seriousness of the storm and the availability of myself and some other leaders. Please check your email or the SCBC social media channels on Sunday morning if you’re interested in coming. We’ll make the plan known sometime around 9am.

With all this wild weather, we have an opportunity to call to mind the words of Psalm 148:8. “Fire and hail, snow and mist, stormy wind all fulfill his word.” He who is sovereign over the weather is involved in our lives and loves us deeply. Praise Jesus for his grace!

With love, Pastor Aaron