This Sunday, Pete Wilson and Chris Vaughn were installed as deacons at Sound City. These men have faithfully served and actively pursued the welfare of the church. It’s no surprise to those who know them that they have joined the Deacon Team. It’s a joy when God’s people are well-loved and led!
The word “deacon” comes from the Greek word, diakonos, which means “servant.” Deaconship is an official office of church leadership, and deacons serve in a variety of ways. We see most clearly in the New Testament a pattern where deacons assist the elders with various practical matters of the church so that the elders can devote themselves to prayer and the teaching of Scripture (Acts 6:1-7). The men and women who occupy this position of leadership must meet the character requirements of 1 Timothy 3:8-13.
“Diakanos – Servant”
Pete joined Sound City’s staff as the Music & Production Director. He has worked hard in this role, not only in leading bands and organizing, but also in fruitfully building a culture of cooperation, encouragement, and worship. Just this fall, Pete was instrumental in launching several new bands. It’s been wonderful to see the members of these bands and our production team flourishing, and to enjoy praising God with them on Sunday.
Chris Vaughn volunteers as Sound City’s Student Ministry Director. He has served the church body in many ways over the years. You may have seen him in the past helping tear down the Kid’s Ministry area after the 11am service, sitting with the Younger Students group on Sundays, or in photos from one of the hikes folks from Sound City have enjoyed together. One of the most encouraging parts of belonging to a local church family is watching members grow as servant leaders and to celebrate the good work God is doing in and through them.
Let’s take time today to thank God for these faithful servants, and to pray for our leaders. If you’d like more information about serving at Sound City, click the button below.