Discussion Questions
Read together 1 Peter 3:13-22 and answer the following questions: What stood out to you? What do these passages teach us about God (his character, his will, his plans, his principles)?
From the five parts of knowing the Messiah, which part(s) do you struggle to understand and communicate when sharing the gospel?
Jesus Christ | Messiah = the story of Israel
Holy | Utterly unique and set apart
Substitute | The righteous for the unrighteous
Victorious | Made alive by the Spirit
Ruling | Ascended to heaven, authorities subjected
Have you responded to the gospel message through repentance and baptism?
Can the gospel be shared without including your testimony, why or why not? Can you share your testimony without the gospel, why or why not?
Breakout into smaller groups of 2-3 and each take turns sharing the gospel with one another.
Prayer Points
Pray that Sound City would be a church filled with joy and passion to share the gospel.
Pray that God would bring opportunities in your life and the life of other Christians to share the gospel.
Pray that the Holy Spirit would lead, guide, and help you share the gospel when the opportunities become present.