Renewed Community | Ephesians 4:1-16

Discussion Questions

  1. Read together Ephesians 4:1-16  and answer the following questions: What stood out to you? What do these passages teach us about God (his character, his will, his plans, his principles)?

  2. Centered around Christ, how do you see elements of individualism and collectivism in Christian community?

  3. In what ways do we intentionally or unintentionally make a lesser community (affinity, activity, or affection) the primary foundation for community?

  4. The work of the Christian community is to help each other mature as followers of Jesus. Share ways the group can guard itself from consumerism and overreach.

  5. Share and Celebrate ways you’ve experienced God working in and through a Christ centered community. 

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that Jesus would be the head of every discipleship ministry at Sound City Bible Church. 

  2. Pray that the Holy Spirit would reveal, remove and protect our community groups from chasing after a “lesser community”. 

  3. Pray that the Holy Spirit would encourage and embolden you to live in Christian community through the ups and downs of life.