Renewed Leadership | Mark 10:32-45

Discussion Questions

1. Read 1 Peter 5:1-5. What are the qualities of renewed leadership that we should look for in the leaders around us?

2. Is there a priority of these qualities or are they all of equal value in leadership?

3. How would you feel about following leaders who live out these qualities of godly leadership?

4. How do you feel about being called a leader? Even if you don’t feel like a leader, can you articulate how you can lead others in your life?

5. What are areas of growth regarding leadership that you see in our church? In your own life?

Prayer Points

1. Pray for the leaders in our church that they would increasingly grow in godly leadership qualities and abilities.

2. Pray that God will raise up new leaders to serve his people well and be on mission with him in proclaiming Jesus and making disciples.

3. Pray for the leaders in other areas of your life (work, politics, family, etc.) that they would humbly follow God’s guidance and use wisdom in their leadership.

4. Pray for God to show you the ways that you can lead others for their good and growth.

5. Pray for God to lead our church into a fresh vision of his purpose and mission for us during our time of renewal this year.