Be Courageous | Acts 22:30-24-27

Discussion Questions

  1. How is biblical courage different from what the world depicts as courage? Share scripture passages that reinforce these truths.

  2. Recount, share and give thanks to God for His provision of courage during a recent time of difficulty.

  3. As Paul was reminded to have courage in Acts 23:11, in what areas of your life do you need a reminder to have courage?

  4. Pause and seek the Holy Spirit. How is He calling you to be courageous and what steps can you take to walk in faithfulness?

Prayer Points

  • Pray against a “spirit of fear” (2 Timothy 1:7) and pray for God to replace it with His power and courage through the Holy Spirit.

  • Pray that God will fill the people of Sound City with courage to proclaim the gospel message to our family, friends, and neighbors.