In the final chapters of Acts, it is notable how many different political and governmental leaders Paul interacts with. In these interactions, he is able to use the government of the day as a way to advance the gospel while at the same time keeping his primary allegiance to Jesus and the kingdom of God as his priority.
Discussion Questions
“Politics has replaced religion in America.” Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Where do you personally trend: overly political or politic-avoidant?
Why is it important to remember that Jesus isn’t just the king of one people group or nation, but over the entirety of creation? How does the gospel of the kingdom give us the right perspective on Jesus’ rule and reign?
Do your current political interactions with people (in person, social media, etc.) make them desire to be a part of God’s kingdom? How might your political interactions change when you remember your primary citizenship is in heaven?
Prayer Points
Pray that our church would embody the politics of the kingdom of God, living out the values in the sermon on the mount by God’s grace and empowered by the Spirit.
Pray that we would be politically engaged as citizens of the kingdom, reaching those who are still captives of the kingdom of darkness with the love of Jesus.