Back to Jerusalem | Acts 21:1-22:29

Throughout Acts 21, the Holy Spirit speaks to his people through the gift of prophecy. In our modern context, many of us have doubts, fears, and skepticism about this spiritual gift. But when rightly understood, we see that prophecy is a good gift from God to build up his church.

Discussion Questions

  1. What personal experiences do you have with more “overt” spiritual gifts like prophecy? How has this affected your view on this important spiritual gift?

  2. Why does Paul say in 1 Corinthians 14:1 that we should “eagerly desire” the gift of prophecy? What purpose does this gift serve in the life of the church?

  3. Why do gifts like prophecy so often get misused? Why is it so critically important to keep the gospel of Jesus in mind when it comes to exercising this potent gift?

  4. In 1 Corinthians 14:23-24, Paul says that prophecy has an important use in evangelism. How can we help each other be prophetic in our witness?

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God would raise up leaders who can rightly use the gift of prophecy in our church family. Pray that we would be both bold and humble in our use of this gift.

  • Pray that we would all be sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and guidance in our interactions with people who need to hear and believe the message of the Gospel.