Celebrating | Armenia Mission Support

Celebrating | Armenia Mission Support

This past fall Sound City Bible Church donated money to the Armenia Mission, one of the international mission organizations we support as a church. The money was used to fund a pastors conference in Armenia. Sam and Shoushan Saliban, covenant members of Sound City, oversee this multi church ministry in Armenia, that is focused on making disciples, planting churches, caring for widows and orphans, and so much more.

Click “Read More” below…

2019 Year-End Financial Update

2019 Year-End Financial Update

As we look back on this past year, Alejandro Alvarez, one of our deacons, and I wanted to sit down and share with you some encouraging things about the church’s finances and invite you to partner with us for our year-end giving so that we can finish 2018 in a strong place. Please take a few minutes to watch this update.

Celebrating | Mission Trip and Medical Outreach in Uganda

Back row: Pastor Kyle Hackett, Brittany Hackett, Julie Secrist, Pastor Aaron Gray, HEED Uganda Local Director Irene Nakato, Cheri Herzer, and Jordan Galbraith. Front row: Hope Greenlee, Barb Snow, Linda Freyberg, Reagan Gray, Haley Millet, and Pasto…

Back row: Pastor Kyle Hackett, Brittany Hackett, Julie Secrist, Pastor Aaron Gray, HEED Uganda Local Director Irene Nakato, Cheri Herzer, and Jordan Galbraith. Front row: Hope Greenlee, Barb Snow, Linda Freyberg, Reagan Gray, Haley Millet, and Pastor Doug Freyberg.

After many hours of travel, the Uganda Medical Mission Outreach Team has returned home to Sound City Bible Church! We are incredibly thankful for their service and sacrifice as they spent the last couple weeks in partnership with HEED Uganda.

In the weeks approaching the mission trip, Sound City attendees raised $10,000 to go towards medical outreach in Uganda! Due to the overwhelming generosity of our church, the mission team was not only able to provide essential testing and treatment for Malaria, but they were also able to provide medical care to over 1,000 people, provide dental care, pregnancy testing, and other necessary treatments to the children at the local school, as well as people in the town and surrounding remote villages.

In between medical and missional outreach, the team also gathered to plant over 620 eucalyptus trees. These saplings will mature over the next 5 to 7 years, at which point they will be able to be harvested and sold for their lumber. This will be an incredible financial blessing to the community.

For the first time ever, the team hosted a Family Day in the village, complete with a bouncy house, face painting, food, crafts, games, preaching from Pastor Aaron, and a special evangelical business training session from Pastor Doug that led to eleven people trusting Christ. The team handed out over one thousand mosquito nets to the families who attended the event, in another effort to prevent the spread of Malaria.

Just before the team was to return home to the Pacific Northwest, they had a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be present for the ribbon cutting and dedication of the brand new High School. The ceremony included singing and dancing performances, as well as a special visit from a government official representing the Ugandan Parliament. The new school, which will be a natural matriculation for students going through HEED Uganda’s Ebenezer Primary School, will serve the needs of students grade 8 and above in the 250,000 person region.

Please join us in prayers of thanksgiving for the team’s safe return, for the lives they touched and prayed over, and for the gospel to continue to spread through the people of Uganda and the continued work of HEED Uganda.

Celebrating | Mission Team is in Uganda

Celebrating | Mission Team is in Uganda

As we gathered together this past Sunday, you may notice there were a number of familiar faces missing, and we are excited to celebrate that! The reason why is that a group of Pastors and Covenant Members from Sound City are currently on the other side of the globe, in a remote village in the Mubende District of Uganda for a short-term medical outreach mission.

For more information, as well as pictures, click “Read More” below…

Celebrating | Student Ministry Leaders

Celebrating | Student Ministry Leaders

Sound City Bible Church is truly blessed to have such an amazing group of leaders who faithfully love and serve our students. Join us in celebrating the team of leaders God has provided to help our students to know, love, and live for Jesus.

Click “Read More” below to hear from two key leaders, as well as about some of the upcoming changes…