Celebrating | Appreciation Lunch for DCYF Social Workers

At Sound City, we love supporting and working with our community. Today we are celebrating the recent opportunity to do both, as we partnered with other local churches and organizations to thank the social workers at the Lynnwood DCYF office!

Being a social worker can be a really hard job. It often includes removing children from their homes, finding them foster homes, and walking them through the process of either reunification or adoption. The social workers often find themselves on the receiving end of frustration from children, biological parents, foster parents, and the judicial system. But for the third straight year, Pastor Aaron had the chance to partner with other area churches in an effort to support encourage our local social workers by bringing in a nice catered lunch. He was also able to speak with them directly to express, on behalf of our church, that we understand their job is difficult and we want to encourage them through this simple gesture. Also involved in the luncheon were Mosaic Church of Edmonds, Alderwood Community Church, Union Gospel Mission’s Foster Support Faith Alliance, and volunteers from Office Moms and Dads.

Please join us as we pray for the social workers in our area— that they would feel encouraged, be supported, and kept safe as they champion for the children, youth, and families in our very own communities. We are also thankful for the relationships God continues to forge with other local churches and organizations who share in our mission to see our area of the Puget Sound grow in love and service to one another.

For many people, the idea of getting involved in foster care sounds daunting. So, in an effort to help people see how they might be able to contribute, please visit Pastor Aaron’s past blog post with a list of twelve ways that people can get involved in foster care or adoption.