
Celebrating | Encouraging Report from Lynnwood DCYF

Celebrating | Encouraging Report from Lynnwood DCYF

We welcomed Kris and James from the local DCYF office on March 17th. They shared with us the impact of Sound City’s generosity as we continue to seek to support, encourage, and care for the foster children, families, and DCYF staff in our community.

Celebrating | Student Winter Retreat

Celebrating | Student Winter Retreat

Sound City recently held our second annual Student Winter Retreat focused on the theme of Unity. The students had a blast riding snowmobiles, sledding, and having snowball fights at the Double K Christian Retreat in Easton, Washington. Thank you for supporting our students, and let’s keep praying that God would work powerfully through and in them.

Celebrating | New Life in the Student Ministry

Celebrating | New Life in the Student Ministry

There are many things that we can celebrate as a Student Ministry. One thing I love about our students is how courageous they are when it comes to inviting friends (specifically friends who don’t know Jesus) to come to Students each week. When new students show up on a Wednesday night they get to participate in a loving, Christ focused time that includes: free time, group games, singing, a gospel centered teaching, and small groups where students break out into groups by age and gender to discuss real life issues and challenges they may be facing. Student Ministry, like the rest of the church body, is a place where real people come together each week to encourage one another. We are a family, a bunch of messy sinners who choose to pursue one another while chasing after Jesus.

Celebrating | Evidences of God's Grace, Through Biblical Community

This week we’re celebrating the evidence of God’s grace shown through the love, care, kindness, and provision of the church for one church member in need. The story of Casi—which we celebrated during morning services last Sunday—gives us a glimpse…

To read more about this evidence of God’s grace, click “Read More” below…