Celebrating | Connect Group Kick-Off

At Sound City Bible Church, our deep desire is for all church attendees to experience biblical community. So today we’re celebrating the 18 people who recently took that next step to getting into community with one another, through the launch of this quarter’s Connect Group!

For some people, it can be hard getting into a Community Group. Maybe you’re new to Sound City, like 10 of the participants in our current Connect Group are!. Maybe your old group dissolved or multiplied. Or maybe you’ve simply been resistant to God’s call of all Christians to do life together with other Christians in an ongoing way. Connect Group is a great way to take that first step towards community! It is a little different from Community Group in that, by design, it is intended to be temporary. Participants in Connect Group will participate in and experience much of what a traditional Community Group has to offer, including fellowship, prayer, Bible study, accountability, and service. But they’ll also spend time at each weekly gathering think long-term by talking about how to get folks connected to existing Community Groups, as well as how we might create and launch brand new Community Groups right out of this Connect Group.

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Please join us as we thank the Lord for gathering together this group of 18 people who have chosen to heed the calling in their hearts to pursue biblical community together through the Connect Group. Our prayer is that the participants would be able to create long-term, thriving, biblical community and even launch a new Community Group in the coming months.