Celebrating | AquaSox Game

One of the greatest values we hold at Sound City Bible Church is the priority of relationships. We encourage it, we cultivate it, and today we are celebrating it! All summer long we've had many opportunities for people to get together—from hikes to golf scrambles, BBQs to student camp—and this past Friday, an opportunity to gather together to watch the local Everett AquaSox play. 
Sound City hosted over 100 guests at last Friday's game. People invited both new and old friends, Christians and non-Christians, and we were able to extend invitations to our ministry partners, including Vision House, Pregnancy Resource Center, and our local foster care representatives. With so many people from so many backgrounds, fruitful conversation was in abundance. During one of these conversations, a young woman (who has been part of the Student Ministry for about a year) said she trusts in and wants to follow Jesus!

The game was a win for the Everett AquaSox, thanks to a grand slam from the rehabilitating Seattle Mariner, Robinson Cano, but what was really celebration-worthy that evening were the lives that were touched through gathering together in community, connecting and reconnecting, and sharing the Gospel. One person said later, "By the end of the night we had reconnected with our neighbors, which was very encouraging." What good news!

Please join us in prayers of thanksgiving for the ministry partners we serve with, the conversations that were had, the seeds of faith that were planted, and for God's good grace in bringing at least one person to trust in his Son. 

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