Week 2 | Hallowed Be Your Name
Aaron Gray | August 9, 2015
Discussion Questions
- What is holiness? What does it mean that God is holy?
- What does it mean to honor God’s name as holy? What are some ways that we do not honor God’s name as holy?
- How are Christians made holy? How can God consider us holy even though we fall short in so many ways?
- Consider the phrase ““While petition exhausts, praise invigorates” by J.I. Packer. Why is praise and adoration such an important part of the life of a Christian? Do you find that your prayers tend to be more focused on praises or petitions?
Prayer Points
- Pray that our lives individually and our church collectively would be for the glory of God.
- Pray that we would see things about God and his gospel that would cause our hearts to worship.
- Praise God for both who he is and what he has done.
- Pray that we would grow in our ability to display God’s glory to the world, particularly those who do not know Jesus.
Heidelberg Catechism
Q122. Which is the first petition?
A.”Hallowed be thy name”; that is, grant us, first, rightly to know thee, and to sanctify, glorify and praise thee, in all thy works, in which thy power, wisdom, goodness, justice, mercy and truth, are clearly displayed; and further also, that we may so order and direct our whole lives, our thoughts, words and actions, that thy name may never be blasphemed, but rather honoured and praised on our account.
For Additional Reading & Study
- Alone With God by John MacArthur, ch. 4
- The Prayer of the Lord by R.C. Sproul, ch. 3
- Growing in Christ by J.I. Packer, part 3, ch. 5
- The Lord and His Prayer by N.T. Wright, ch. 1