Week 1 | Our Father In Heaven
Aaron Gray | August 2, 2015
Discussion Questions
- Why is prayer so important in the life of a Christian?
- What are the areas in your prayer life where you struggle?
- How does the phrase “our Father in heaven” embody the gospel message?
- How do you personally experience God as Father? How can you grow in that experience?
- What are distortions or roadblocks you may have to viewing and experiencing God as a gracious and loving Father?
Prayer Points
- Pray that all of us as Christians would experience God as Father in a deeper and more meaningful way.
- Pray that the gospel would shape all that we think, say and do as a church.
- Pray that many non-Christians would come to know God as Father through us as individual disciples and as a church.
- Pray for specific friends and family who do not yet know God as Father or Jesus as Savior.
Heidelberg Catechism
- Q120. Why has Christ commanded us to address God thus: “Our Father”?
- A. That immediately, in the very beginning of our prayer, he might excite in us a childlike reverence for, and confidence in God, which are the foundation of our prayer: namely, that God is become our Father in Christ, and will much less deny us what we ask of him in true faith, than our parents will refuse us earthly things.
- Q121. Why is it here added, “Which art in heaven”?
- A. Lest we should form any earthly conceptions of God’s heavenly majesty, and that we may expect from his almighty power all things necessary for soul and body.
For Further Reading & Study
- Alone With God by John MacArthur, ch. 3
- The Prayer of the Lord by R.C. Sproul, ch. 2
- Growing in Christ by J.I. Packer, part 3, ch. 3 & 4
- The Lord and His Prayer by N.T. Wright, ch. 1