Pleasing God, Not Humans | I Thessalonians 2:1-12

Discussion Questions

  1. Why are humans in general so prone to people-pleasing? In what specific ways does this show up in your life?

  2. What Bible verses have been personally meaningful to you to help you know that you are loved/accepted/justified/approved of by God because of the work of Christ?

  3. How is worldly “self-esteem” talk different from (and lesser than) biblical teaching of God’s approval and acceptance of us?

  4. How do spiritual disciplines like meditation, memorization, and community help us more deeply internalize truth? How can we help one another move past mere intellectual assent into deeper, heart-level experience of God’s acceptance of us in Christ?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that each person in your group, community, family would more deeply know the approval and acceptance of God through Jesus.

  2. Pray that our deep approval from God would result in bold proclamation of the gospel, just like we see in the lives of Paul, Silas, and Timothy.