No Human Message | 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

Discussion Questions

  1. What is a time that you listened to a human message that you later regretted because it wasn’t true or it led you in a negative direction?

  2. Why is it important that God communicates with us, his people?

  3. How can we know who to trust when someone says they speak from God? What was a time that you had to do this?

  4. Retell the gospel message in your own words.

  5. How are the different parts of the Good News interconnected? Which aspect of this message first resonated with your heart as you were coming to faith?

  6. What are some reasons that you need to continually hear the gospel from yourself or others? How does this impact the believer’s life of faith?

  7. Describe how focusing on the gospel enhances your relationship with God?

  8. What are some ways that God might be leading you to join him in sharing this message?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that God would open your heart to the depth and power of his gospel message and that he would lead you to a continual faithful response to that message.

  2. Pray for those who have not yet heard the message of Jesus or have heard but not believed.

  3. Pray that God would work in their lives to bring them to know and embrace the saving message of Jesus.

  4. Pray for us as individuals and collectively as a church that we would passionately join with God in his mission to take this message of the Savior to all the world and make disciples among all nations. Pray for the boldness, courage, and conviction to be part of this mission.