Blasphemy | Leviticus 24

Discussion Questions 

  1. Why is blasphemy more serious than other sins? How do we grapple with this sin today?

  2. Are you able to be honest with God and others about your doubts, your frustrations, your fears? Why are these expressions not the same as blasphemy?

  3. Where in your life do you need to be honest with God and his people about your frustrations, doubts, or fears?

  4. How is God calling you to grow in speaking the truth in love (Eph 4:15)?

  5. How does Jesus meet us in our words and speech with his word of grace?

Prayer Points 

  1. Praise God for the boundless grace and mercy that we receive as his children. 

  2. Pray that the Holy Spirit would help put our pride to death and help us approach God with humility and honesty. 

  3. Pray that Sound City would be filled with people who speak the truth in love to all those around us.