Rights and Responsibilities | Leviticus 21-22

Discussion Questions 

  1. What character and attributes of God do you see more clearly reading through the various priestly and high priestly standards? 

  2. How does a biblical understanding of rights and responsibilities help address the cultural movements in the area of authority?

  3. What does it mean for Jesus to hold ultimate responsibility and deserves ultimate praise?

  4. In what ways have you experienced the misuse of rights and responsibilities as the contributor or recipient? 

  5. What would rights and responsibilities rooted in Jesus look like in your marriage, parenting, work and friendships?

Prayer Points 

  1. Praise God for the boundless grace and mercy that we receive as his children. 

  2. Pray and repent of the ways you’ve misused rights and responsibilities. 

  3. Pray that Sound City would be filled with people who use our rights and responsibilities to ultimately point back to Jesus!