The Mystery of Christ | Colossians 1:24-2:5

Paul tells the Church at Colossae that he is striving and struggling for their edification in the knowledge of the Mystery of God revealed.  He also explains that his suffering is helping to complete a part lacking in the sufferings of Christ.

 Discussion Questions

  1. In what ways do we take for granted the gospel-serving suffering of the saints on whose shoulders we stand?  How can we honor their legacy through our faith put into action?

  2. Jesus is the Mystery of God revealed, the Savior of the World!  Who in my life or circle of influence needs to see this mystery revealed before them through my bold and consistent witness?

  3. What Kingdom fruit do I see from my own present or past times of suffering for the gospel?  How can I catch a vision of God’s work in order to stay motivated to persevere in striving to proclaim the Gospel?

  4. In what ways do you give up on Gospel efforts when you encounter challenges beyond your own strength?  How can you grow toward greater dependence on God’s power to work through you?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that God will create in us an abiding and compelling passion for proclaiming the mystery of Christ to the world near and far.

  2. Pray for the Persecuted Church and the saints around the world who are currently pouring out  their lives for the Gospel and the Church.   

For Further Reading