Before Paul and Timothy begin to address the false teaching that threatens to harm the Colossian church, they want to firmly establish their teaching about the gospel. In this passage of Colossians, we see that while the gospel is for us, it is primarily not about us, but about Jesus.
Discussion Questions
What are the implications of the truth that Christ is both fully human and fully God? Where do untruths creep into our modern thinking, and how can we address them with the truth of Scripture?
What other things might contend for primacy over the gospel in the life of a church? What about in your own life?
The gospel requires honesty, change, and grit. Which of these is God most stirring in your heart as something that needs to be addressed? How does his grace empower you to make the necessary changes?
As you consider the quote from Elliot Clark (and the long list of NT verses), how might you need to shift from “sharing” the gospel to “proclaiming” the gospel?
Prayer Points
Pray that God would help us and individuals and as a church community to be all about the gospel of Jesus.
Pray for boldness to “proclaim” the gospel of Jesus in both word and deed with those in your life who have yet to believe in him.
For Further Reading
Evangelism as Exiles by Elliot Clark | There are still free copies available if you don’t have one, inquire at the connect desk.