Love and Obedience | John 14:15-24

Time and time again throughout the upper room discourse, Jesus makes it clear that there is a close connection between love and obedience. If this is true, why so often do we find it so difficult to obey him?

Discussion Questions

  1. In general, why do you struggle with obedience: ignorance, pride, or injury? Expound and explain with your group.

  2. Specifically, where is God prompting you to respond to his love with obedience? Is there any partial obedience happening currently? What joy are you missing out on because of this disobedience?

  3. How is Jesus’ perfect obedience our only hope? How does his love actually fuel our obedience?

  4. How can we help one another be the type of disciples who obey joyfully, while at the same time keeping the gospel at the forefront of our message?

Prayer Points

  1. Take time to repent of pride or ignorance that would lead you to disobey Jesus.

  2. Pray for yourself or others who have been wounded by bad authority. Pray that we would be able to obey Jesus because his authority is perfectly loving.

  3. Pray for those who are not yet Christians and think that following Jesus is just about keeping all the rules. Pray for opportunities to share the gospel with them.