Vine and Branches | John 15:1-11

Jesus uses many metaphors and images to describe his ministry, but perhaps no metaphor is so deeply woven into the biblical narrative as that of a garden. God is the gardener, and Jesus is the true vine, the one whom we must be connected to in order to have life.

Discussion Questions

1. Think through the storyline of the Bible through the lens of “garden.” Why is it significant that the story begins in a garden and ends in a garden city? How does God want us to think about our work in the world?

2. Where, apart from Jesus, are you prone to seek love and joy? How is he asking you to turn from those sources of life and remain connected to him?

3. How do those around you help you stay connected to the vine? How can you help and encourage others to remain connected to Jesus?

4. How might the use of imagery, story, and metaphor better help you to share the gospel with non-Christians in your life?

Prayer Points

1. Take time to pray individually this week, reminding yourself that this is one of the key ways that you abide in Jesus.

2. Pray for opportunities to invite others into relationship with Jesus. Remind yourself that what we see as dead branches can be brought to life by being connected to Jesus!

For Further Study: