The “seventy sevens” passage in Daniel 9 is considered by most scholars to be the single most difficult section of Scripture to understand and interpret. With its complex series of dates and cryptic language, it leaves most people scratching their heads. But when considered in light of Torah instruction regarding Sabbath and the explanation of 2 Chronicles 36, the point becomes much more clear: God cares deeply that we obey his command and invitation to rest.
Discussion Questions
How do you deal with the tension that God discloses divine secrets to us, yet also leaves us with mystery in the details of life?
Why do so many of us find it so hard to rest?
Share with your group your regular practices of rest: daily, weekly, and beyond. Where do you need to make changes to have rest that is intentional, regular, and Christ-focused?
Do you truly believe that, like Daniel, you are “greatly loved” by God? If not, what wrong beliefs or hurtful experiences may be affecting your ability to accept that reality?
Prayer Points
Take time on your own this week to practice silent, restful prayer. Start with 5 or 10 minutes, and simply meditate on one particular aspect of God’s character or the gospel. Don’t be discouraged when you find that your mind will wander all over the place. Simply come back to that thought and ask God to help you focus on his presence.
Pray for people in your life who don’t know Jesus and are running from one thing to another seeking fulfillment and meaning, when they could have it in Jesus.