Spiritual Warfare | Daniel 10:1-11:1

Sermon Description

Apocalyptic literature gives us a peek behind the curtain, a look at the spiritual realities that are happening all around us at all times—realities that we are largely unaware of. In Daniel 10, we are made aware of spiritual battles that are always raging. But in Christ, the victory has been won.

Discussion Questions

  1. Read Genesis 11:1-9, Deuteronomy 32:8, and Psalm 82. How are “the nations” and the “gods” of this world connected? How does this perspective help you view the world differently?

  2. Why should we take the realities of spiritual warfare seriously? Conversely, where could we go wrong with a focus on spirits and spiritual warfare.

  3. How is Jesus our only hope against the forces of darkness? How can we live in the tension of his “already” defeat of evil but the “not yet” of his final victory?

  4. How do passages like Ephesians 6:12 and 2 Timothy 2:26 help us to view our non-Christian friends and neighbors? How do these truths help us to have grace and love for them even when we disagree?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray against the forces of spiritual darkness in your own life, your family, our church community, our neighborhoods, cities, nation, and world.

  2. Pray for those non-Christian friends and neighbors in your life, that Jesus would deliver them from the kingdom of darkness and bring them into the kingdom of light.

  3. Pray for Jesus to return soon and bring his victory to its final culmination.