The Two Ways | Psalm 1
Shane Patrick | July 29, 2018
In Psalm 1 we find both an introduction to the Book of Psalms as a whole, and wisdom from the God who made the universe about how to walk in his blessings and experience the abundant life he came to give us—even in the midst of the trials we all experience in this fallen world. The Psalmist reveals all this and far more in the six tiny verses that make up Psalm one.
Discussion Questions
- What teachings, perspectives, and counsel do you receive on a regular basis (e.g. podcasts, TV series, news programs, websites, etc.)? Do you allow them to shape your perspective and worldview as much as or more than the Bible? How much time is spent receiving from each?
- While we do want to be missional in our relationships, unintentional friendships with those far from God can be a great risk to our spiritual health (2 Cor. 6:14-15). Are there relationships that is God asking you to either “intentionalize” or step out of entirely?
- Be honest: do you tend to view God’s Word more as something you have to read because you’re a Christian, or as a gift given to you by God? How is God asking you to shift your perspective?
- What biblical practices are already in your life that help you to bear fruit? What practices, habits, and relationships in your life seldom produce anything but useless chaff? In each case, what is God asking you to do so that you might know greater blessing and fruitfulness in him?
Prayer Points
- Pray that God would help you to see the joy in connecting with him through the spiritual disciplines.
- Pray that you would be intentional in your relationships with those who do not know Jesus.