Moved by Glory | Psalm 73
Tim Smith | July 10, 2022
Discussion Questions
Where have you been tempted to envy the prosperity of the wicked? In what specific ways is your heart prone to desire after sin?
Why is it important for followers of Jesus to have a “both/and” mentality when it comes to 1) theological knowledge and 2) a personal experience of God’s presence? What happens when we neglect one or the other?
In what ways did Jesus rely upon the presence of his Father and the Holy Spirit? If Jesus needed to take time in the presence of God, how much more do we need to?
How does Jesus make it possible for us to enter into God’s presence? Practically speaking, what does it look like for us to enter into God’s presence since there is no longer a physical temple?
Prayer Points
This week, find a quiet place and take some time alone. Read a psalm and see if one specific word or phrase jumps out at you. Take that phrase and sit quietly with it for 10-15 minutes and ask God to make you aware of his presence. If your mind wanders, give yourself some grace, and bring your thoughts back to the words of the psalm and God’s presence.
In your group, pray that we would each become more aware of God's presence in our lives. Pray that our hearts would be moved by his glory more and more often.
Pray that our hearts would not envy the arrogant or the wicked, but that we would tell people about the good news of Jesus with great joy and passion.