No-Name Nobodies | Judges 10:1-5; 12:8-15
Aaron Gray | March 26, 2017

Discussion Questions

  1. Where are you prone to seek your life’s significance outside of Christ: power, money, experiences, relationships, etc.? 
  2. What kinds of thoughts or feelings do you have when you are passed over, unnoticed, or viewed as “insignificant” by others?
  3. How does the gospel free us from seeking our identities in our accomplishments or accolades?
  4. Where is God calling you to do something great for him, regardless of whether or not it ever gets noticed by others?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that we would know that our ultimate significance comes from Jesus. And pray that our hearts would be freed from seeking our significance in anyone or anything else.
  2. Pray that Jesus would use us to do great things for his kingdom, whether or not it gets noticed or praised by others.