Looking Back, Looking Ahead | Joshua 4:1-7
Aaron Gray | January 3, 2016

Discussion Questions

  1. Why is it important for God’s people to set up memorials of his work and goodness?
  2. Share with your group ways that God has shown his goodness and grace in your life individually or your family?
  3. When you consider this past year for Sound City Bible Church, what are you most thankful for?
  4. When you consider this next year for Sound City Bible Church, how is God calling you to love, serve, and help?

Prayer Points

  1. Thank God for his goodness to our church in this past year.
  2. Ask God to raise up new leaders to help further his mission in his church.
  3. Pray that in 2016, God would use all of us to share the gospel with people who are not yet Christians.