Celebrating Student Camp

What an honor and privilege it was to be able to go to summer camp with the students this year. As a fairly new leader in Sound City students, one of my first goals for the week was to remember every one of their names. I tend to have a hard time with names, but I’m happy to say that I had them all down by only the second day! It was a joy to get know many of them better during our week at camp.

Every single one of our students is a beautiful and awesome person. I enjoyed observing each of their unique personalities, from the extremely outgoing to the very quiet. One of the most special things for me to observe was how they love one another, and, on top of that, how accepting and intentional they were to bring in and include the couple of kids who came with us who are not regularly a part of Sound City.

I think every one of them grew in their faith during our week at camp. Some little bits of growth the way plants do with water and sun, but others making large bounds. We even had one new proclamation of faith! Like us grown-up disciples, these kids are all in different stages of their faith. I am committed to continue praying for each of them.

I watched the kids worship together, raising their hands in praise. A couple of them told me it was the first time they had engaged in worship in that way. I am not normally one to be that expressive in worship either, but the kids inspired me. I listened as many of them prayed out loud in our personal gathering time. Even some of the ones I knew were more reserved prayed out publicly, surprising and blessing me with their prayers.

I also grew in relationships with the other leaders there - sharing ideas, tears, laughter and a whole lot of coffee. It was truly one of the best, most refreshing weeks I’ve had. I’m eagerly looking forward to the kick-off of student ministry again in the fall, to continue this journey with the students and leaders; and I’m already looking forward to camp next year. I’m so thankful that God is allowing me to serve him through serving young people. - Branden Caspers