Outdoor Gathering August Updates

Church Family,

We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to gather for worship on the back lawn of our property. Many pastor friends of mine have been doing online services only while we have been able to gather in person. Yeah, the masks are annoying. And sure, the sun gets a little warm at times. But when I think about the hardships that our Christian brothers and sisters have had to endure throughout the ages...well, just read Hebrews 11:35-38 for a healthy dose of perspective.

Updated Guidelines

Recently, the State of Washington released updated guidelines for worship gatherings. The most noteworthy change is that the number of people allowed in outdoor gatherings in Phase 2 was increased from 100 to 200! This is great news, especially since we have plenty of room in the lawn to accommodate everybody. We want to encourage you to come to worship this Sunday, and don’t feel bad that you might be taking a spot from somebody else (one reason people have hesitated to attend).

For those of you who want to remain in your car and participate via FM broadcast, you may continue to do so as you have been.

Shift from RSVPs, to Check-Ins

Because of the increased capacity per service, we are no longer requiring advanced RSVP. Instead, we are asking that when you arrive, you check in at the PPE tent (near the communion supplies) or with a parking monitor if you are in your car. By checking in, you help us follow the State’s request to keep a log of all attendees in the event of an outbreak.

Livestream Moves from Facebook to the Website

Since we’re making changes, we decided to pull the trigger on one additional change. Instead of streaming our services on Facebook Live, we will make the change to streaming directly to our website. Each week, just go to scbc.do/online to participate via livestream. There are a number of reasons for this change, but one of the primary reasons has to do with technology and making things easier for our volunteers and staff. Each week, that scbc.do/online page will continue to have liturgy, song lyrics, and kids resources; now it will have the live streamed service as well, making it your one-stop-shop for online worship resources.

Looking Ahead

Looking ahead to the fall, the updated religious gathering guidelines also make provisions for extra capacity in our building. We do not have all the details worked out just yet, but we will be allowed to have worship in the main auditorium while sending audio/video to other rooms throughout the building. This will give us increased attendance capacity while maintaining proper spacing for attendees.


As we work to get the building ready to move inside this fall, we ask for your prayers as construction begins Monday, August 17. First on the list is renovating the offices to accommodate our staff. Very soon, you will also see a fresh coat of paint on the exterior of the building. I want to commend you for your generosity over the years, church family, as it has allowed us to save money toward all these construction costs. I want to also encourage you to continue to give generously in the weeks and months ahead. As leaders, we are 100% committed to taking care of our church members through benevolence and reaching out to the community around us with practical service in the name of Christ. But now, we have the additional responsibility of improving the building so that it can be a welcoming place for people to hear the gospel and for disciples to be made. If you have not done so already, I encourage you to set up recurring giving through our website.

I love you so much, church family. For those of you who haven’t yet come to an outdoor gathering, I encourage you to do so. In these unusual, disconnected times, it’s more important than ever to stay connected to the body of Christ for prayer, for community, and for encouragement in the gospel.

In Christ, Pastor Aaron