Regathering Plan | Part 2: Outdoor + Online

Sound City,

What a difficult year it has been. From the public health threat of Covid-19, to the senseless killings of unarmed African Americans, to the subsequent protests and riots…who could have guessed all of the difficulties that we would be processing at this time.

Now, more than ever, the church needs to be the church: worshipping Jesus, loving each other, and serving the world. I am beyond proud of you, Sound City, for the way that you have engaged in this season: participating in online worship gatherings, caring for others in the church body, and serving our our communities in love and generosity!

The last time that we gathered in-person for worship at Lynnwood High was March 8th. In the communication that we sent out on March 12, we said that we would “suspend our Sunday gatherings for this week, and perhaps for the next several weeks as well.” Who would have guessed that a timeframe of a few weeks would have turned into three full months.

On May 28, 2020, Governor Inslee announced that faith communities can hold in-person worship services in an outdoor setting with up to 100 participants. With recent data showing higher levels of transmission safety in outdoor air, and with the results of the recent survey showing that upwards of 80% of the people of Sound City and Martha Lake are eager to return to in-person worship, we have decided to transition to outdoor services on the Martha Lake property while maintaining an online worship option.

Where. Martha Lake Baptist Church, east lawn. 17319 Larch Way, Lynnwood, WA 98037

When. 9am and 11am, beginning June 7. If interest is high, we will consider adding a third gathering at some point in the future.

Numbers. The “100 participants” does not include staff, but it does include volunteers. Therefore, we will be doing these services very simply, with minimal volunteers, to allow for approximately 95 participants.

RSVP. In order to facilitate the limited number, online RSVP is required. The RSVP will not be first-come-first-served. Instead, it will be a managed rotation approach. We are doing this for two key reasons. First, we want to make it possible for many people to attend in a month, as the limited number does not accommodate everybody each week. Second, while we are not yet merged, we need to be able to give priority to Martha Lake members, particularly at the 11am service, since they have graciously opened up their property and invited Sound City in.

The RSVP link will be open on Wednesdays and Thursdays, confirmation emails will go out on Fridays.

FM Broadcast. In addition to the 100 in-person attendees, we are able to broadcast the audio on an FM frequency (92.3) for drive-in participants. The Martha Lake parking lot has 14 spaces where people can park and still see the worship gathering taking place. These 14 parking spots will be prioritized for the elderly, or for other high-risk populations who desire a higher degree of safety than the outdoor worship gathering. RSVP for these spaces is also required.

Parking. Since parking spaces will be limited, please park across the street at Martha Lake Elementary school, if at all possible. 

BYO Everything. Since we do not have a tent large enough for the whole field, we are only able to provide covering for the stage and sound equipment. Please dress appropriately for the weather! Bring your own chairs, blankets, coffee, umbrellas, or anything else you might need. Also, please bring your own masks; some will be available should you forget yours.

Handouts. We will not pass anything to collect an offering; please give online or via on-site dropbox. Prepackaged communion elements will be handed out in a non-communal (i.e. shared) way. No printed handout will be given. A document with song lyrics, liturgical elements, and sermon notes will be available each week at

Restrooms. Limited restroom access is available, with only two people at a time allowed into the building to use the facilities.

Individuals who desire to read through the Governor’s proclamation in entirety can do so here. Since these gatherings will be outdoors, many of the safety protocols do not apply. However, here are a few things to highlight:

  1. Attendee self-screening. Before you come, please take your own temperature. “Any individual with a temperature of 100.4°F will not be permitted to attend the service or attend work at the organization.” If you are showing any other signs of sickness, please refrain from attending.

  2. Masks: “All employees, members, and visitors in attendance shall wear face coverings before, during, and after the service (whether indoor or outdoor).”

  3. Physical distancing. In addition to the standard 6-foot physical distancing requirements, the document highlights the following: “There may be no direct physical contact between servers and members or visitors.”

For now, gatherings are family-style with no kids ministry handouts or activities planned. Additionally, we recognize that young children have a very difficult time with the strict safety protocols, particularly physical distancing. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Parents, we really need your help. Grace is always the rule, but in order to maximize safety and comply with the State’s guidance, we want to urge you to talk to your children ahead of time, and keep them with you at all times.

  2. If that level of hands-on parental supervision may be difficult to achieve, then please consider family staggering. By way of example, one parent could come to the 9am gathering with the older children, then stay at home with the younger children while the other parent attends the 11am.

  3. Kids over the age of two are required to wear masks.

In order to serve those who cannot make it in person, or who feel uncomfortable gathering in person, we will still provide an online worship option. The primary change is that the online worship experience will be simplified. All of these resources will be available at

  1. Pre-recorded sermon. The preacher will still pre-record the sermon by no later than Thursday night. A self-recorded Scripture reading from a member will be included.

  2. A Spotify playlist will be provided for people to sing and worship at home.

  3. A service order document will be provided for folks to follow along with the liturgy, Scripture readings, and other worship gathering elements.

  4. Kids resources will still be provided.

Long-term, when we are fully back to normal gathering rhythms, we will still provide an online/streaming option for folks.

These are some unprecedented times for all of us, and the body of Christ needs to be built up in the faith so that we can love each other well and serve our neighbors well. As we gather together, let’s do so with a heart of love for King Jesus and grace for each other.