This past week, Sound City Bible Church and Cross and Crown Church joined forces to send our students to Summer Camp! This year’s theme was "Saturate" and draws from the idea in Romans 15:13 of overflowing, or having your whole life saturated with the hope of God! Join us as we reflect on and rejoice in this memorable week.
The fun was non-stop for the students and leader as they participated in numerous activities including horseback riding, games of tug-o-war, paint balling, zip lining, and even off-roading on some four wheelers! Time spent in the great outdoors—making s'mores around the campfire, swimming in the lake, hiking the trails—provided a unique and immersive experience to celebrate God's beautiful creation and the nature surrounding them. Many new friendships were formed, and old friendships were fortified, as students and leaders alike had the chance to fellowship together.
“I get chills when I think of what God was doing there. My boys have said many times they felt the Holy Spirit there with them...They have so much passion for the Word...I’ve prayed for this for ten years, it’s such a gift! A huge “thank you” to the entire leadership team!”
Most importantly, students also had the opportunity to grow in their faith and understanding of God's Word through teaching times, corporate worship, and listening to the personal testimonies of the camp leaders. "I saw God working in student's lives as they responded to hearing each of the leaders' testimonies," said leader, Chris Vaughn. "During our small group time, I got to hear multiple times how a leader's struggle was pretty similar to something that a student was wrestling with as well. The students shared that they felt hopeful as they were able to hear how God had helped the leaders overcome these struggles."
Please join us in prayers of thanksgiving for the leaders who organized the trip, investing their time, talents, and treasures to ensure each student was loved and served well while at camp. We pray that the experiences and memories shared by the campers and leaders will provide a long-lasting reminder of the hope found in Christ.