Your Christ Isn't Big Enough | Colossians 2:6-15
Aaron Gray | February 2, 2020
Sermon Description
In Colossians 2, Paul and Timothy come to the heart of why they wrote this letter: addressing certain false teaching that threatens the spiritual well-being of this church. By forgetting how truly amazing Jesus is, these Colossian Christians were prone to seek out truth and security in other sources. This only can happen when we forget that Christ can’t be overestimated or overstated.
Discussion Questions
Ask those in your group who know you what is “big” in your life? What do you often talk about? What do you most often share on social media? Relatedly, what keeps you up at night? Where do you seek security? What feels like “true” knowledge?
What does it mean that “the entire fullness of God’s nature dwells bodily in Christ”? What are the implications of the truth that Christ still exists in a (resurrected, perfected) body?
Jesus’ work at the cross operates at three levels: individual regeneration, corporate debt forgiveness, spiritual victory over the forces of evil. Which one do you tend to think of most often? How are all three levels connected?
As you think of the non-Christians in your life, what things tend to be “big” in their hearts and minds? How can you help them to see that Christ is more loving, more secure, more true?
Prayer Points
Spend some time in personal silent prayer this week (Psalm 131) and see where your mind starts to wonder? Ask Jesus to help your heart focus less on those things and more on him.
As a group, pray that our church would keep our focus on Jesus over and above any other thing.
Pray that God would help you share with the non-Christians in your life how Jesus is the absolute greatest.
For Further Study
Selection (ch. 37) from “The Unseen Realm” from Dr. Michael Heiser