United With Christ: In His Kingdom | John 12:12-26
Aaron Gray | March 20, 2016
Discussion Questions
- Why does the whole story of scripture (e.g. the story of Israel’s kings) matter to us today as 21st century Christians?
- Why is Jesus so surprising? What about his kingdom continues to surprise you?
- “The cross is Jesus’ enthronement ceremony.” Discuss this idea. What implications does this have for our lives, our families, our communities, and our church?
- Where in your life are you tempted to pledge allegiance to someone or something more than King Jesus?
- How can we as individuals and as a group more passionately live out Jesus’ kingdom values?
Prayer Points
- Spend time in prayer simply praising King Jesus for who he is and what he has done.
- Pray for those who don’t follow Jesus to come into his kingdom through us living out Jesus’ kingdom values.