The Proverbs 31 Woman | Proverbs 31:10-31
Aaron Gray | August 18, 2019
Sermon Description
Proverbs 31 presents us with an idealized portrait of the wisest woman who ever lived. But when we look at idyllic people, our hearts are prone to either pride or despair. Only Jesus is the ideal; the rest of us are growing and making progress as we increasingly rely on his grace.
Discussion Questions
What misconceptions or misunderstandings have you had about Proverbs 31?
How is this idealized portrait of the “virtuous woman” intended to inspire and instruct us, not demoralize us? How can we help one another guard against both pride and despair?
Read Hebrews 10:11-18. What does vs. 14 mean when it says that we have been perfected, but are still being sanctified? How is this truth freeing and life-giving?
Where is God currently showing you your weaknesses and imperfections? Rather than ignoring them or explaining them away, how can they be used to grow in his grace?
Prayer Points
Pray that, in our efforts to pursue wisdom, we would not give place to pride or despair, but that we would increasingly fear the Lord and rely upon his grace.
Pray for opportunities to show non-Christians in our lives that we are not perfect people, but that we follow a perfect Savior.