Ruth | Ruth 1-4
Shane Patrick | December 22, 2019
In the book of Ruth we find a story of disobedience to God, and the tragedy & suffering that so often follows such disobedience. But we also find people of godly character living lives of loyalty, devotion, empathy, and faith. Finally, if we know where to look, Ruth also shows us a foreshadowing glimpse of the advent of Jesus…our great Redeemer & Savior.
Discussion Questions
If obedience to God brings blessing, and grows us in holiness, then why do we have such are hard time staying the course? What is God asking you personally to do about your own struggles with disobedience to him? What do you need to repent about before him and others?
What do we do in those lonely and difficult times of suffering in our lives when we can be tempted to believe that God is far off, or worse that he’s abandoned us. Do you every feel that way? How might we fight feelings like that, that rob our joy in Christ? How do the Scriptures encourage us to respond to such feelings? Make a list of all the promises of God that might encourage you to really embody this truth in your daily life, and then share it with others.
What are the truths about Jesus that are foreshadowed in Boaz? List the ways you can think of, and how Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of each one of them.
Prayer Points
Pray that God would increase our obedience to him, for his glory and for our good.
Pray that God would protect us from the schemes of the enemy, who would have us believe God has abandoned us. Pray that God would daily remind us through his Word, and through his people, that he is indeed with us, and that nothing can separate him from us.
Pray with thanksgiving that Jesus is our kinsman redeemer, and pray that he would redeem a great many others in and through each one of us who is part of the Sound City Bible Church family.