Who We Are - Our Values: Growing Together | Colossians 3:12-17

Discussion Questions

  • If you feel comfortable, share about a time when you felt isolated and lonely? What helped you come out of that season?

  • How do you see our culture’s focus on the individual affecting how you live?

  • Of the four practices mentioned, gratitude, transparency, truth-telling, and forgiveness, which comes more naturally to you? Which is the hardest for you? Why?

  • What’s one thing we could do as a community group to continue growing together in Christ?

Prayer Points

  • Ask God to make us into a hospitable church where everyone can find a place to belong

  • Ask the Lord to continue working through your group to make us into people of love

Who We Are - Our Values: Grounded in Scripture | James 1:17-25

Discussion Questions

  • What do you think it means to live life Grounded in Scripture?

  • What practices or habits in your life have helped you root your life in God’s word most?

  • What do you do when you encounter a part of God’s word that rubs you the wrong way or feels hard to obey?

  • What does it mean to read all of scripture in light of the gospel?

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God would make is into a people who are quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to be become angry before God’s word

  • Pray that God would show us where we have rejected his word in our lives

Who We Are - Our Mission | Matthew 28:16-20

Discussion Questions

  1. Why do you think it’s important for our church to be clear on our mission as a community?

  2. When you hear Jesus’ command to “make disciples”, what are the first thoughts that pop into your head?

  3. What do you think it looks like to do evangelism in our place and time? What makes the work of evangelism uniquely challenging today?

  4. Pastor Reece made the point that many churches choose to focus on either evangelism or formation, but rarely both. Have you seen this to be true? If so, why do you think it’s hard to keep both as a priority?

  5. What role do you think our community group should play in our church’s mission of raising up wholehearted followers of Jesus?

  6. How might God be calling you to engage more fully in our mission as a church this Fall?

Prayer Points

  1. Pray that God would show us as a church how to be more effective witnessing for the gospel in our time and place

  2. Ask the Lord to show you how he wants you to be a part of the mission of Sound City this FallWho We Are - Our Mission | Matthew 28:16-20

Spiritual Warfare | Ephesians 6:10-20

Discussion Questions

  • How often do you think about spiritual warfare?

  • Are you in danger of ignoring or obsessing over the reality of a dark spiritual realm? Why?

  • Jesus talks about Satan as “the father of lies”. How do you think Satan disseminates his lies into our world?

  • What are some of the lies that you’ve struggled against throughout your life?

  • How can you “turn up the volume” on God’s voice in your life this week?

  • What role do you believe prayers has in spiritual warfare?

  • If you feel comfortable, share one lie you struggle with. Then, if you desire, invite the group to share the truth that counteracts that lie

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God would shine the line of the truth into the dark places of our lives where lies reign

  • Ask the Lord to protect your group from the schemes of the enemy. Pray for unity, a spirit of love and humility, and freedom from the lies of Satan

  • Pray that God would give our church strength to withstand spiritual attacks

Guidelines for Children and Parents | Ephesians 6:1-4

Discussion Questions

  • What motivation, goals, and hope do believers have when we care for children? How are they different from those of non-Christians?

  • Why is it important to set a Christlike example for your children?

  • What does this passage teach about honoring parents? What are some ways you feel would be effective in teaching your children about this?

  • How do the promises “it may go well with you” and “you may have a long life in the land” pertain to children today?

  • Why would it be difficult to honor and obey one’s parents in some situations? Describe hypothetical or actual situations.

  • What are some ways a parent might provoke their children to anger?

  • How can parents teach their children the gospel and basic doctrines of the faith?

Prayer Points

  • Pray for new parents and future parents that they will enter parenthood with a commitment to follow God’s design for parenting.

  • Pray for parents of preteens and teens that they will persevere in their parenting and continue to grow and learn in these important final years of having their children in their home.

  • Pray that parents of adult children not walking with God will hold on to the hope of the Gospel and the power of Jesus to reach into their lives and redeem them.

  • Pray for the children of our church to honor and obey their parents.

  • Pray that our church can be a source of help and support for families as they seek to raise their children even as culture exerts a negative influence.

  • Pray that those who do not have children will still see their valuable role in making disciples and that God will lead them to a partnership with him that brings joy and satisfaction.

Jesus and Your Marriage - Part 2 | Ephesians 5:21-33

Discussion Questions

  • Pastor Reece mentioned how we as a church likely don’t discuss the topic of marriage often enough in our community. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

  • If your marriage was facing a challenging season, who would you reach out to for help? If you’re single, who do you reach out to for wisdom regarding relationships of any kind?

  • What would it take for your Community Group to become a safe place to turn to with the joys and challenges of marriage or other close relationships?

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God would give struggling couples the courage to step forward and ask for help

  • Pray that God would empower us as husbands and wives to live out our God given roles in our marriages

  • Ask the Lord to make us a church that is equally welcoming to both married and single individuals

Jesus and Your Marriage - Part 1 | Ephesians 5:21-33

Discussion Questions

  • As a church family, do you think we discuss the state of marriage too much? Too little?

  • How does marriage as a covenant influence the way we relate in marriage? For those who are single, how should marriage as a covenant influence how we look for a potential spouse?

  • Do you agree that your spouse should be your best friend? Why or why not?

  • Paul talks about the importance of both washing and nourishing in marriage. How do you live these commands out in your marriage?

  • What things get in the way of cultivating oneness with your spouse?

  • What regular habits, rhythms, or practices have helped you foster a healthy marriage?

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God would give hope to those whose marriages are struggling

  • Pray that God would give us courage as a community to share in healthy ways about the joys and hardships of our marriages

  • Pray for those who desire to be married

Walking in Love, from Darkness to Light | Ephesians 5:1-14

Discussion Questions

  • Discuss how grace base and works base would differ in Paul’s exhortation to be imitators of God and to walk in the way of Jesus.

  • Share and an example of someone who radiated the light of Jesus in your life.

  • Do you struggle being distinctly different in your spheres of influence?

  • Share someone God has placed in your life to be a radiant exposure to?

Prayer Points

  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you live a life that radiates the light of Jesus to others.

  • Pray that the people of Sound City would grow to radiate the light of Jesus in our city.

Put Off, Put On | Ephesians 4:17-32

Discussion Questions

  • Why do you think it’s so challenging to change ourselves?

  • Do you think following your heart is a good way to navigate life? Why or why not?

  • The sermon talked about the importance of both putting off old behaviors and putting on new behaviors in our efforts to change. When you set out to change something in your life, do you focus on both or do you tend to focus on only one? Explain

  • What does it look like practically for you to be renewed in the spirit of your mind?

  • What habits or rhythms do you have in your life that grow your affections for Jesus?

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God would help you identify the areas in your life you need to change

  • Ask God to captivate your imagination with the person of Christ more and more each day

A Blueprint for Building | Ephesians 4:1-16

Discussion Questions

  • The sermon mentioned the importance of living with each other in humility, gentleness, and patience. Which of these characteristics do you need to grow in the most with your church family?

  • How do you think God has gifted you to build up his body? Are you use that gift? How?

  • Who speaks both regular grace and truth into your life?

  • Share about a time you felt discouraged in your area of ministry? What helped you push through?


  • Pray that God would make us more humble, gentle, and patience with each other as a church family

  • Ask the Lord to show you if there are certain gifts he’s given you that you aren’t using for the good of others.

  • Thank Jesus for how he humbled himself to lift you up

Why the Church? | Ephesians 3:1-13

Discussion Questions

  • Do you know people who have given up on the church? What were their main reasons?

  • Do you ever struggle to see the relevance of the church for our day and age?

  • What are some of the invisible walls that are dividing our culture today?

  • How have you seen the gospel bring people together that wouldn’t normally live in community?

  • What are some of the main things that get in the way of our unity within the church?

  • What things (if any) make it hard for you to commit to the church?

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God would continue to unify us a as a church

  • Pray that our unity would draw in people outside the church

  • Ask the Lord to reveal anything that’s keeping your from living in unity with your church family

A New Community | Ephesians 2:11-22

Discussion Questions

  • Reflect on and describe how your adoption into God’s family and citizenship into his kingdom brings healing to your life.

  • Do you struggle to believe in a horizontal reconciliation with others? Share some of your hurdles when it comes to living life in community?

  • Within your sphere of influence, how can you individually and as a group live as citizens and not tourists?

Prayer Points

  • Pray a prayer of thanksgiving for the gift of adoption and citizenship in Jesus.

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to help you remember and share the good news of Jesus that brings vertical and horizontal reconciliation.

  • Pray for Sound City to be a body of believers who live as citizens and not tourists.

The Story of the Gospel | Ephesians 2:1-10

Discussion Questions

  • How did you first hear the Good News of Jesus?

  • How would you explain the Gospel in your own words?

  • Where are you in the story of the Good News of Jesus?

  • What does God’s work inspire in you?

  • Who is God leading you to share the Good News with?

Prayer Points

  • Pray a prayer of thanksgiving for how God reached into your life with the Gospel.

  • Pray that God would help each of us at Sound City Bible Church internalize the Gospel in a

  • way that we can preach to ourselves and share with others.

  • Pray that God would soften the hearts of our neighbors to be ready to hear the Good

  • News, and for God to help us see and seize the opportunities to share with them.

Called into Purpose | Ephesians 1:3-10, 22-23, 2:10

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Discussion Questions

  • Do you struggle with the tension between human free will and God’s sovereignty? In what way?

  • Do you think human free will and God’s providence are ultimately compatible? Explain.

  • How have you experienced the brokenness of the world this week?

  • Pauls says in Ephesians 2:10 that we have each been created to walk in specific good works that God has planned beforehand. Do you have a good idea of what your good works are? In other words, how has God hand-crafted you for good in the world?

  • Do you struggle with a lack of meaninglessness in your life? If so, how might Ephesians help you reclaim a sense of significance in your everyday life?


  • Pray that God would give you greater self-awareness so that you might grow in understanding how he’s designed you to serve the world

  • Ask God to help you see the significance in your day to day work

  • Ask the Lord to give our church clarity on how he wants to use us to repair or corner of the world for his glory

Called Into Blessing | Ephesians 1:1-14

Discussion Questions

  • What do you think it means to be “in Christ”?

  • How often do you think on the spiritual blessings you have in Christ?

  • Paul talks about how those in Christ are chosen, adopted, and inherited. Which of these “spiritual blessings” do you need to remember most in this season of life?

  • Do you struggle with the doctrine of election?

  • As our Father, God is committed to our growth. Share about a time God allowed a hard circumstance in your life in order to help you grow.

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God would help us as a church realize more of what we have in Christ as we work through Ephesians

  • Ask the Lord to reveal the ways in which you are subtly trying to earn his blessing rather than receive it freely in Christ

God’s Mission Over Our Comfort | Jonah 4:5-11

Discussion Questions

  • Jonah quotes from Exodus 34:6 to share his displeasure with God who is gracious, merciful and slow to anger. Has there been a time in your life where like Jonah, you’ve been angry with the very character of God?

  • Unrighteous anger isolates and separates. How have you experienced this to be true?

  • In what areas of your life are you building your own kingdom? How is God’s kingdom a better kingdom than ours?

  • Discuss ways in which you can individually and collectively create rhythms to remember and share the grace and mercies of God.

Prayer Points

  • Pray a prayer of thanksgiving for the grace and mercies of God in your life.

  • Pray for Sound City to be a body of believers joining together to build the kingdom of God.

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to help you remember and share the grace and mercies of God with others.

When Hearts Clash | Jonah 4:1-4

Discussion Questions

  • As we learn in Jonah 4:2, the baseline posture of God’s heart towards his children is one of grace and mercy. When’s the last time you remember experiencing his grace and mercy in a vivid way?

  • What things are you tempted to love as much or more than God? How do these rival gods influence your life?

  • Have you ever experienced a heart idol keep you from God’s call on your life to love others? Explain.

  • Who do you find it most difficult to feel mercy for rather than frustration?

  • Do you ever struggle to reconcile the love and justice of God. Explain.

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God would expose any rival gods in your heart that might be keeping you from loving those around you well

  • Ask that God would give us his heart of mercy towards those we encounter in our day to day life

  • Ask the Lord to provide opportunities to be the hands and feet of Christ to those you encounter this week

How God Saves Cities | Jonah 3:1-10

Discussion Questions

  • What makes it challenging for you to believe God could use you to reach those who are far from him?

  • Share a time when God saved you out of a dark place in your life

  • In the sermon, we talked about the difference between a “come and see” model of mission and a “go and love” model. Do you think the church needs to move from the first to the latter? Explain.

  • Who are you intentionally moving towards with the love of Jesus? Is there anyone you think God is asking you to “arise, and go” to in order to share the love of Jesus?

  • How have you seen God use the hard parts of your story to minister to others?

  • What’s the right balance in sharing vs. showing the love of Jesus?

Prayer Points

  • Pray that God would give you opportunities to minister to those who don’t yet know the Lord in your everyday life

  • Ask the Lord to show you if there are parts of your story he wants to use to give hope to others

  • Pray that God would continue to grow our hearts as a church for those who are far from him