Called into Purpose | Ephesians 1:3-10, 22-23, 2:10

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Discussion Questions

  • Do you struggle with the tension between human free will and God’s sovereignty? In what way?

  • Do you think human free will and God’s providence are ultimately compatible? Explain.

  • How have you experienced the brokenness of the world this week?

  • Pauls says in Ephesians 2:10 that we have each been created to walk in specific good works that God has planned beforehand. Do you have a good idea of what your good works are? In other words, how has God hand-crafted you for good in the world?

  • Do you struggle with a lack of meaninglessness in your life? If so, how might Ephesians help you reclaim a sense of significance in your everyday life?


  • Pray that God would give you greater self-awareness so that you might grow in understanding how he’s designed you to serve the world

  • Ask God to help you see the significance in your day to day work

  • Ask the Lord to give our church clarity on how he wants to use us to repair or corner of the world for his glory